Smack Down Results 7/3/14

Welcome to my another  post with latest results of WWE Friday Night Smackdown
The show opened with Batista coming to the ring.He said that how he beat zigler on last smack down and daniel bryan on this past monday night on raw.He said that he already  said he will beat all your heroes. Then a big response from crowd Interrupted him Saying "NO No No No No ". That was an awesome moment.Batista just said If bryan thinks . He just said that and after that yes chants started.He said To Bryan go and buy  a ticket to wrestlemania and see me beating randy for the championship and see me celebrating of becoming new wwe world heavy weight championship. Bryan and Batista continued their Talk. After that bryan said a fan nearly got him on Raw.Batista said this is a big big universe which can live without the goodness in the heart of this goat face.He said he had no problem if  bryan does not get out of the ring he will beat him.Bryan kicked batista then Kane came to help batista and beat bryan.Big show came to rescue Bryan.Then Vickie Guerrero came and booked a tag teamT match for the main event.For the Video Of the Conversation Click Start OR Download to Save it for Later

Christian VS Dolph Ziggler
  The Match contain a series of dramatic action.During the match zigler made a comeback hit Christian hardly. followed by a top rope facebuster.Then a cover for near fall. Alberto Del Rio was at announcer table.Then he yelled at ziggle while standing on the announcer table.that distracted zigler del rio took advantage of this and hit a kill switch on ziggler fot the victory.After that renee young interviewed christian then shemus came they both brawled a little bit. with christian avoiding brogue kick and escaping.
Christian Defeated Zigler Via Pinfall and Distraction Caused by ADR

The Usos Brother Defeated Rybaxel

Shemus Defeated ADR

Daniel Bryan And Big Show Defeated Kane and Batista

This was it for Now (Sorry for the less description because i am busy this is for my exams)

Regards from Basil
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