First of all I am Back!. I was off for a few days because of various issues . But now I am back so lets just continue Our wrestling News and First of all I will Like to introduce you guys to our first WWE Network 1 year premium membership winner. Mr Carlos. If you want to win this too just comment more and more and like our post and just remember one thing do not ever ever try to be over smart like you are promoting your page on our site e.t.c. O.k now just Sit back and relax because a load of world wrestling is about to come handy .
Mighty Beast Batista Came out to tell that denial Bryan is being cheered up by the fool fans for no good reason . (at least Bryan doesn't talk  about you in this manner) He then started to talk about Stephanie McMahon . He talked about how hard she slaps and then he said she may be his hardest opponent in Wrestle Mania 30 . Triple H came out from backstage to ring when this comment was made by Batista . He told Batista to keep his  wife out of this business. He  said that Batista you are making thing Personal. Batista replied that Stephanie is the reason that Triple H is wearing this tip top suit with a VIP tie. He also said that earlier Triple H said that Batista was trying to relive his former glory. Batista reminded that He beat Triple H every time they faced each other in the past.  He said that sure was a while ago then Batista became lazy and went to Hollywood after quitting from WWE .He said since he is back he has barely seen The little Animal to come out in ring . He said tonight is chance for batista to prove himself in front of fans by defeating Sheamus. HHH left the ramp .

The Shield VS 3MB 
As it has to be . This match was one sided from the very start . The shield treated them like little kids. In the late match rolin dove mahal to the  ring side and also hit his finisher to get the one sided easy victory for his team.Post-Match  : Kane came out and said well it was easy lets see how good you do against Ryback and Curtis Axel .

The Shield Defeated 3MB Via Pinfall on Jinder Mahal 
The Shield VS Rybaxel 
Now this match was awesome and it deserved to be awesome .Although it was a handicap match but the strength of Ryback was awesome. At the end ambrose hit  his curb storm finisher to get the victory for his team . Post Match : Reigns hit spear on Ryback ad the shield performed triple powerbomb on Ryback.

The Shield Defeated Ryback and Curtis Axel .
Sin Cara VS Damien Sandow .
Good match . Sin Cara treated Sandow like  a little kid . But at some moments it looked like that Sandow was gonna get the victory . But in the end Sincara Rolled sandow for the victory

Sin Cara Defeated Ryback VIA rollup Pin . 
Backstage Renee Young was talking to Big Show abou this match tonight against bray Wyatt. He said what they did to Cena on Raw was disturbing . but what they say has some truth in it. HE said he has a  big problem on his hand tonight but so they do.
Fandango VS Goldust
Good match I was expecting goldust to win but in the end Fandango used some tactics to get the victory for himself.But a match that is good and fought with full zeal . It doesn't matter who wins.

Fandango Defeated Goldust 

Sheamus defeated Batista due to disqualification. Late in this one, Sheamus started to make his comeback with multiple clotheslines and a big knee lift. Batista rolled onto the apron, but Sheamus tried to grab him to beat on Batista’s chest. Instead, Batista yanked Sheamus against the ropes to counter. Moments later, Sheamus was able to club Batista on the chest on the apron. Sheamus was in control and prepared for a Brogue Kick, but Batista escaped the ring. On the outside Batista grabbed a chair which he used to ram into Sheamus’ gut, causing a DQ. Post-match, he kept on beating up Sheamus with the chair before tossing him into the ring post. Back in the ring he Batista Bombed Sheamus before getting on the mic to ask HHH and the crowd if they were all happy. He said he’ll be leaving Wrestlemania 30 as new champ and they all should just deal with it.

Bray Wyatt was shown for a promo talking about how we all wear a mask for one reason or another. He said if you continue to hide behind it or try to use it to fit in for long enough, the mask becomes you. He said if you remove the mask, you remove your own sin. Bray said he’s broken John Cena now and the mark on his should will be there forever. He said tonight the sword slays a giant and it’s a gift for John Cena. He said “all lies will be revealed under the cypress tree.” Bray started signing “he’s got the whole world in his hands..” to close out another creepy promo segment.

The Bella Twins defeated A.J. Lee and Tamina via pinfall. Vickie Guerrero was on commentary during the bout. Late in the match, Brie kneed Tamina in the face, then hit a missile dropkick. Tamina fled to the outside of the ring. AJ and Tamina started arguing, which caused Tamina to leave AJ on her own. Brie hit a Facebuster on AJ for the win.

Jack Swagger defeated Jimmy Uso via submission. Late in the match, Jimmy went for the Butt Splash, but Swagger managed to get low and clip his leg as Jimmy charged. From there, Swagger put on the Patriot Lock to get the victory.

Mark Henry defeated The Miz via pinfall. The match lasted nearly four minutes. At one point, Henry threw Miz into the steps and barricade on the outside. Moments later, he tossed Miz back in the ring and hit World’s Strongest Slam for the win

Bray Wyatt defeated Big Show via pinfall. Harper and Rowan were at ringside for Wyatt. Show used his strength and power to have an early advantage, and hit the chest slaps. At one point, Wyatt avoided an elbow drop by Big Show then hit kicks and elbows on him. He hit a running denton for a two count. Later, Wyatt did his hang upside down in the corner and crab-walk routine. He tried to charge at Show but was clotheslined down. Moments later, Show missed a charge of his own and Wyatt hit a splash on him. Show hyper-extended his knee on an attempted boot kick as Wyatt charged. Bray was able to splash Show and then distract the ref enough to allow Harper to get in a shot on Show. Wyatt grabbed Show and hit Sister Abigail to finish him for a pinfall. Smackdown closed with Bray Wyatt standing over Big Show on the mat and laughing about it.


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