Triple H started the show. He then started to talk about the shield . He told they were the greatest talent he has seen all through the year that were created by him.He then said that the evolution has returned that will destroy the shield at Extreme Rules.The Upcoming match was Big E Langston VS Alberto Del Rio.

Big E Langston VS Alberto Del Rio:

The match was good. At one moment del rio countered with cross arm breaker. Big E  Reached the ropes but Del Rio Didn't let the move go . That became the reason of disqualification in end Big E turned and hit his beautiful finisher big ending on him.

Big E Langston Defeated Alberto Del Rio Via Disqualification

Then they cut a promo of  Paul Heyman getting in ring cutting promo . He said he is here to boost his clients Cesaro and Brock Lesnar. He reminded the fans again and again that his client MR: Brock Lesnar has did the unthinkable and beat the legendary streak of the undertaker.The Upcoming match was Paige Vs Aksana

Paige VS Aksana

Paige hit her finisher move (a submission) to make Aksana Tap Out. Then they told that Paige will defend the championship against Tamina.

Paige Defeated Aksana By Submission 

El Torito VS Hornswoggle

 I was really excited to see the Match of two dwarf. El torito hit spinning moonsault to defeat hornswoggle.

El Torito Defeated Hornswoggle by Pinfall

Alexander Rusev Vs R Truth

 This match ended in 2 minutes.Alexander Rusev made R truth Tap Out.

Alexander Rusev Defeated R Truth Via Submission.

Santino Marella VS Fandango

Emma and Layla were ring side. Santino showed cobra but layla took cobra away. Emma punished layla . Distraction made Santino Gain control.

Santino Marella Defeated Fandango

Sheamus VS Batista 

This was the main event of tonight.Incredible match . It was looking like the celtic warrior was taming the animal but batista is batista. Batista tried to hit Batista Bomb but sheamus countered it with Back Breaker. But at the end batista successfully hit batista bomb to get the victory.

Batista Defeated Shemus


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