Wrestlemania 31: Roman Reigns Vs. ?

rrvsbl2While we are only through two “Special Events” after Wrestlemania 30, I’ve read a few articles that had me thinking about Wrestlemania 31. I know there are plenty of articles that have been written about Roman Reigns already, but with The Shield on the path toward splitting up entirely I was thinking about who Roman could face at Wrestlemania 31 to give him an early career Wrestlemania moment. While one of the three men is already set up for a match with a different Superstar, I still thought it would be fun to entertain the idea of the match. So without further ado, here are three men that I believe should be the options to face Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania.

The first Superstar that comes to mind as a legitimate opponent for Roman to face is Brock Lesnar. Two tough SOB’s duking it out on the grandest stage of them all. While some would be for the match and some would be against it, I think this would be a huge match that would make Roman look like a complete animal if he were to go over. Brock is a guy who is riding the biggest wave in wrestling history and any person who can take him down gets a major rub as well. These two have not met due to the fact that Brock’s schedule is very light and Roman hasn’t been a singles Superstar except for a few matches here and there. Roman would have to enhance his mic work for this feud to work because Paul Heyman will eat you alive if you can’t fire back at him. My only hesitation with this feud is that I’m not sure what reason Brock or Roman would have to face each other. Considering Brock is the bigger Superstar of the two, the best way that I could see Roman going after him is to come out and say he wants to take down the best. Take down the man who took down a legend. The Shield is the only other group that made the Undertaker disappear for an extended period of time. Roman thinks they’re equals, Brock and Heyman don’t, commence feud.

rockandromanThe next Superstar on the list would be Goldberg. Bill has been talking for the past year now about having one more match so his kid could see him wrestle, and not just on the WWE Network. He’s denied it on Twitter but he did in fact talk about working a match at WM30. Now, I’ve been thinking about this feud for a while and Roman would be a great opponent for Goldberg. He’s more legitimate than Ryback is, and he uses one move that Goldberg also used to, the Spear. Goldberg may have not been the best in ring technician but Roman has come so far that he could help carry the match and give it that big match feel. I would use the fact that Roman uses the Spear to start the feud. Goldberg would come back and say he’s seen Roman using the Spear for a while now without ever giving credit that he stole the move from Goldberg. Roman being the tough guy he is, says that he didn’t steal it, he does it better. I could only imagine the match, when these guys go to Spear each other. They would both counter it at first to help build the drama, the old guy outsmarting the young gun and the young gun being too quick for the old guy. Goldberg would finally hit it and Roman would kick out much to Goldberg’s surprise, and then Roman would finally hit it for the win. Although this match may never happen, it was a fun one to think about.

The final Superstar that I feel would be the best option, and credit goes to my fellow writer Mark Moore for mentioning the match in his article “Roman Will Reign”, is The Rock. What better way for Rock to finish off his in-ring career than by putting over one of his family members. I feel like this is the perfect scenario in that everybody wins. Roman gets a huge rub from one of the greatest Superstars ever, Rock gets to put over family and the fans don’t have to watch Rock vs. Cena III. I feel like this match would get a great reception from the crowd because it’s never been done before and the fans would know that Rock wouldn’t be going over. This is another situation where Roman would have to have his mic skills at their peak because The Rock can adlib and still pull out some great work. I feel like there’s no reason that this match wouldn’t work and since The Rock didn’t work WM30 like he intended to early on, he could close out his career against his cousin and proceed with his induction into the WWE Hall of Fame.

While Jim Ross has said that he sees Roman as the WWE Champion after Wrestlemania 31, I don’t quite think he’ll be there. He should still get a great Wrestlemania moment and what better way than facing one of these three men. What do you guys think? Do you agree or is there someone else that is more deserving of facing Roman? Sound Off Below!!!

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