WWE Monday Night Raw (07/14/2014) - Richmond, Virginia

Welcome everyone to tonight's edition of Monday Night Raw. Tonight's show begins with the arrival of the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, John Cena. Cena makes his way to the ring and grabs a mic.

Cena starts by saying that the champ is here. Cena says that the crowd is feisty, and he can tell they are ready for Raw. Cena then hypes up Battleground this Sunday and then tells everyone to sign up for the WWE Network so they can catch the show. Cena says that in 6 days, the champ may not be here. He says that The Authority have put him in a fatal 4 way match this Sunday. Cena then names his opponents for the match. Reigns gets a big ovation from the crowd. Cena then mentions the rules of the match, and says that he doesn't have to get pinned to lose the championship. Cena is cut off by the music of Roman Reigns. Reigns makes his way to the ring through the crowd

Cena tells Reigns that the crowd is chanting his name, and then introduces him. Cena says that they are partners tonight, but they face off on Sunday. Cena thanks Reigns for what he did last week, and says he bailed him out. Cena says that he got Reigns' message, and he knows that he can't be ignored. Cena says that they have to make it through tonight. Reigns tells John to make his point. Cena says that they should handle the Authority tonight. Cena says after that, Reigns can see if he is as good as he thinks he is. Reigns agrees, and then tells Cena that maybe we can see if he is as good as he thinks he is. Ambrose now shows up on the screen

Ambrose says he agrees with everything going on. He says they aren't dancing tonight, but they are fighting. Ambrose says that The Authority always have a plan, but he has a plan. It's called Operation Screw the Authority. Kane, Rollins, and Orton now show up behind Ambrose and attack him. Orton tosses Ambrose into the wall. Ambrose tries to fight back, but the numbers are too much for him. Orton and Rollins toss Ambrose back first into the garage door multiple times and then lay more stomps and punches to him. Rollins tosses Ambrose face first into the garage door again as they continue the assault. Kane grabs Ambrose and chokeslams him onto an equipment trunk. Ambrose asks them if that's all they got. Rollins jumps off the equipment and hits a curb stomp to Ambrose on a crate as we go to commercial.

Back on Raw, the announcers show us what just transpired backstage between Ambrose, Kane, Rollins, and Orton. Back in the arena, we are joined by the WWE United States Champion Sheamus. He will be in one on one action against The Miz. Miz grabs a mic on the way to the ring and says that his goal tonight is to keep Sheamus from hurting "the money maker." Miz then says that for his fans, the money maker will be on the screen for the entire match. Sheamus vs. The Miz Both men lock up and Sheamus backs Miz into the corner and makes a clean break. Miz goes behind, but Sheamus hits the ropes and connects with a shoulder tackle followed by a back elbow. Sheamus tries to attack but Miz bails to the floor. Sheamus gives chase and tosses Miz back in the ring. Miz catches Sheamus with stomps as he enters. Sheamus fights back with body shots, but Miz back drops him to the floor. Sheamus pulls Miz to the outside, but Miz whips Sheamus back first into the barricade. Miz tosses Sheamus back in the ring. Miz goes to the top and connects with a double ax handle for a 1 count. Miz lands a few hard right hands followed by a few kicks in the corner. Miz gets whipped into the corner and Sheamus connects with the running senton. Miz rolls to the outside as we go to commercial. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Sheamus is in control of Miz on the outside. Sheamus has Miz in a headlock, but Miz lands a body shot and tosses Sheamus shoulder first into the ring post. Miz tosses Sheamus back in the ring. Miz covers and gets a 1 count. Miz now locks in a standing heel lock. Sheamus kicks Miz away. Miz goes for a running boot, but Sheamus catches his foot and tosses Miz to the mat. Sheamus hits his running ax handles and tosses Miz onto the apron. Sheamus now connects with 15 clubbing blows on the apron and tosses Miz back in the ring. Sheamus connects with a power slam and covers for a close 2 count. Miz comes back with a back elbow, but Sheamus hits a clothesline to the back of the head of Miz. Miz gets whipped into the corner, but moves when Miz charges. Sheamus hits a big kick and goes up top, but Miz slams him off the top and hits a DDT for a close 2 count. Miz starts working on the leg of Sheamus, but Sheamus kicks him away and connects with the Irish Curse backbreaker for another close 2 count. Miz fights back with a kick to the knee. Miz goes for the skull crushing finale, but Sheamus pushes him away. Sheamus goes for the brogue kick, but Miz moves and Sheamus gets hung up in the corner. Miz rolls Sheamus up from behind for the 3 count. Winner by Pinfall - The Miz We go to the back where Kane, Orton, and Rollins are celebrating what they did earlier. Orton says they did their job well tonight, and if they are like that this Sunday, nothing will stop him from walking out as champion. Kane says that he may walk out as champion. Kane says he has Orton's back, but they can't really trust each other. Triple H shows up and says that they can trust each other. Their goal is to bring the title back to The Authority. He says that tonight they have to take care of business and for that to happen, they have to have trust. All 3 men leave as Stephanie walks into the room. Stephanie flirts with Triple H and says she loves when he takes control. They then have a passionate kiss. Back in the arena, we are joined by Dolph Ziggler. He will be in one on one action after the commercial break. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Fandango is in the ring. He and Ziggler will be going one on one. Dolph Ziggler vs. Fandango Both men lock up to start the match. Fandango locks in a head lock. Fandango hits the ropes and connects with a shoulder tackle. Fandango hits the ropes again and Ziggler connects with a hip toss. Ziggler goes for a drop kick but Fandango holds on to the ropes. Fandango pushes Ziggler into the corner and connects with right hands. Fandango now whips Ziggler hard into the corner for a 2 count. Fandango now locks in a rear chin lock. Ziggler fights back to his feet, but Fandango slams him back down to the mat. Fandango drives an elbow into Ziggler and locks in another rear chin lock. Ziggler fights back to his feet. Ziggler hits the ropes and connects with a flying lariat. Ziggler charges but Fandango moves and Ziggler hits head first into the corner. Fandango's music now starts up as Summer Rae and Layla start dancing on the announce table. Ziggler hits a big drop kick to Fandango as he is distracted. Ziggler is now distracted. Fandango tries to attack Ziggler from behind, but Ziggler turns around and hits a drop kick followed by the fameasser for the 3 count. Winners by Pinfall - Dolph Ziggler After the match, Layla and Summer Rae get in the ring. They start dancing around Dolph Ziggler Ziggler gets a kiss on each cheek from the 2 divas. Ziggler celebrates with the 2 divas as Fandango looks on in disgust. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, we see Damien Sandow in the back wearing a Sonic outfit. He is asking for the tray of Sonic drinks. Adam Rose now shows up with his Rosebuds. He asks Sandow why he is acting like a lemon. Sandow says that he was about to enjoy some cheesy goodness, and Rose isn't invited. Rose and Sandow argue about who gets the food. Rose ends up getting the food and celebrates with the Rosebuds. Back in the arena, we are joined by The WWE Tag Team Champions, The Usos. As they come to the ring, they are attacked from behind by Rowan and Harper. Rowan tosses Jimmy Uso into the ring post. Harper charges and boots Jimmy over the barricade into the crowd. Rowan and Harper now get in the ring with Jey Uso. Rowan and Harper hit their double team slam to Jey in the middle of the ring. Rowan and Harper leave as The Usos are left laying around the ring. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Rusev and Lana are in the ring with Michael Cole. Michael Cole now introduces Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger. This will be a United States vs. Russia Detente. Cole starts talking but is cut off by a loud "USA" chant by the WWE Universe. Cole hypes the match between Rusev and Swagger this Sunday. Lana gets the floor first. Lana starts speaking in Russian and then tells Zeb they he and America are the same. They choose violence to solve all of their problems. She says that the US want to solve all of the world's problems, but can't fix their own. She then calls the WWE Universe and the United States stupid. Very loud "USA"chants by the WWE Universe. Lana tells everyone to shut up over and over again as the crowd gets louder. She says that when the US won their freedom, they decided to fight themselves in the Civil War. She calls the US stupid again, and then says that Russia is the peace and loving country. She asks them to just admit to their mistakes. She is cut off by the USA chants again. She says that she wants them to admit their country's mistakes and to apologize. Zeb grabs a mic and says that Lana is a visitor to their country, and she wants him to apologize? Zeb says that he laid in the mud during Vietnam with bullets flying over his head, and he didn't do it so that people like Lana and Rusev could come and disrespect his country. Zeb says "hell no." He isn't giving any apology. Lana says that his arrogance is the reason why the USA is crumbling into pieces. She says there is hope, and that hope is the world leader Vladimir Putin. Zeb says that's one ugly man. He says that they have a leader too, and he is the president of the United States. He says whether we like him or not, he is still our president. Zeb says he wants to talk to Rusev. Zeb asks Rusev when he is gonna step out from behind Lana and fight Swagger. He asks him yes or no. Loud "We the People" chant by the WWE Universe. Rusev speaks in Bulgarian and then says "this is war." Zeb says that it sounds like a yes to him. Zeb tells Lana to take Rusev out of the ring. He tells them to walk away. Zeb says he wants to teach Rusev 3 words. He then tells all real Americans to put their hand over their hearts and say "we the people." Lana walks up and slaps Zeb. Swagger spears Rusev, but Rusev gains the advantage and tosses Swagger into a podium. Rusev now goes for his superkick, but Swagger grabs Rusev's foot and locks in the Patriot Lock. Rusev makes it to the ropes and rolls out of the ring. Rusev and Lana retreat up the ramp as Zeb waves the American flag in the middle of the ring. We go to the back where John Cena is with Roman Reigns. Cena says that Ambrose is out, and asks Roman if he sees what The Authority are doing. Reigns says that they took out one of them, but before the night is over, they will take out 3 of them. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Alberto Del Rio is in the ring. He will be going one on one with Rob Van Dam. Alberto Del Rio vs. Rob Van Dam Del Rio starts off quickly with kicks to the leg of RVD. Del Rio backs RVD into the corner and lands some kicks and right hands. Del Rio gets whipped into the corner and RVD connects with a monkey flip. RVD now clotheslines Del Rio over the top to the floor. RVD flies over the top, but Del Rio pulls out the ring skirt and RVD gets stuck in it. Del Rio connects with his enziguri. Del Rio rolls RVD back in the ring and covers for a 2 count. Del Rio now locks in a rear chin lock. RVD fights back to his feet. RVD hits the ropes and Del Rio catches him with a spike DDT for a close 2 count. Del Rio charges and connects with another enziguri for a 2 count. Del Rio is all over RVD with stomps. Del Rio now locks in another rear chin lock. RVD fights back to his feet, but Del Rio tosses him back to the mat. Del Rio goes for his running kick to the head, but RVD moves and hits a few clotheslines. RVD connects with a hurricanrana followed by a standing side kick. RVD hits the ropes and connects with rolling thunder. RVD covers and gets a close 2 count. Del Rio gets back to his feet and lands a kick followed by a right hand. RVD goes for a spring board thrust kick, but Del Rio moves. RVD connects with a standing heel kick. RVD goes up top and goes for the 5 star frog splash, but Del Rio gets his knees up. Del Rio locks in the cross arm breaker and RVD taps out. Winner by Submission - Alberto Del Rio -Commercial Break- -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, we are joined by Nikki Bella. Stephanie Mcmahon now makes her way to the stage. Stephanie tells Nikki that she is all alone in the ring again. She says she almost feels sorry for her, because when Brie quit, she abandoned her. When she married Daniel Bryan, she left her own flesh and blood. Stephanie says that tonight's match, should be a tag team match. Because of Brie though, she is gonna have to go alone. She tells Nikki that she needs to blame her sister. Alicia Fox and Cameron now make their way to the ring. Nikki Bella vs. Alicia Fox and Cameron Nikki and Alicia start this match off. Both ladies lock up and Nikki slams Alicia to the mat. Nikki locks in an arm lock and rolls up Alicia for a 2 count. Alicia backs Nikki into the corner and tags in Cameron. Cameron slams Nikki down. Nikki gets back to her feet and slams Cameron down face first into the knee. Nikki tosses Cameron into Alicia on the apron. Nikki hits an Alabama Slam and covers but it's broken up by Alicia. Cameron now tags Alicia back in. Alicia and Cameron hit a double team slam to Nikki. Alicia tosses Nikki into the corner and tags Cameron back in the match. Cameron lands a stomp and tags Alicia back in. Alicia connects with a snapmare and locks in a rear chin lock. Nikki fights back to her feet and powers out of the hold. Alicia connects with a knee to the back. Nikki gets a quick roll up but only for a 2 count. Nikki connects with a back body drop followed by a back elbow. Nikki goes to the 2nd rope, but Alicia trips her and she falls hard to the mat. Alicia connects with her finisher and covers for the 3 count. Winners by Pinfall - Alicia Fox and Cameron We go to the announcers and they talk about WWE 2K14. They announce that Sting will be the secret superstar you unlock for pre-ordering the game. We then see a video hyping the release of the game and Sting's involvement. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, we go to the back where we see Triple H and Orton. Orton asks Triple H if he is sure about Kane. Triple H says to forget about Kane. He says Kane is their pawn, and the plan is for Orton to walk out of Battleground as the champion. Triple H says that Orton is the plan. Orton says that if he is the plan, then there is no need for plan B. Triple H agrees and Orton leaves the room. Back in the arena, we are joined by Cesaro minus Paul Heyman. Cesaro makes his way to the ring. He will be in action after the commercial break. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Big E is in the ring. He will be in one on one action against Cesaro. Cesaro vs. Big E Ceasro goes behind and hits a german suplex to start the match off. Cesaro charges, but Big E catches him and slams him hard to the mat. Big E hits the ropes and knocks Cesaro off the apron and into the barricade. Big E gives chase, but gets tossed stomach first onto the top of the barricade. Big E gets back in the ring at the 9 count. Cesaro connects with a double stomp and then slaps Big E repeatedly. Big E fights back and goes for a gorilla press, but Cesaro fights out and hits a big clothesline for a 2 count. Cesaro locks in a rear chin lock. Big E fights back to his feet. Cesaro connects with a double underhook power bomb for a close 2 count. Cesaro mounts Big E and lands some big punches. Cesaro now locks in another rear chin lock. Big E fights back to his feet and backs Ceasro into the corner. Big E fights back and hits an overhead belly to belly suplex. Big E charges and hits a shoulder tackle into the corner followed by another belly to belly suplex. Big E hits the ropes and connects with his splash. Big E calls for the Big Ending, but Cesaro bails to the floor. Cesaro hangs Big E on the top rope. Cesaro grabs a chair, but Kofi keeps him from using it. Cesaro turns around into the Big Ending by Big E for the 3 count. Winner by Pinfall - Big E We are now joined by Chris Jericho. Y2J makes his way to the ring. He will speak after the commercial break. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Chris Jericho is in the ring with a mic. Jericho welcomes everyone to Raw is Jericho!! Jericho says it feels good to be back in the WWE. He says this ring is home to him. He says he has been working here for 15 years and he has seen and done it all. Jericho names off lots of things he has came in contact with in his career. Jericho says he is a 9 time intercontinental champion, and the first undisputed champion ever. He says he has seen and done it all, until he came into contact with Bray Wyatt. He says Wyatt is a freak surrounded by freaks and unstoppable force. He asks Wyatt why he is coming after him. He says for this first time ever, Jericho and Wyatt will go one on one. He says maybe he and Wyatt are more alike than they think. Jericho says he can get crazy. Jericho says he has the whole WWE Universe in his hands. He says that is a true unstoppable force. Bray Wyatt now shows up on the screen. Bray asks Jericho if he remembers what it was like being a child. Being full of energy, and no worries about what tomorrow would bring. He says children have such frail little minds, and life makes them different. Bray asks Jericho where he was when we needed them. Bray says that Jericho said he would save us, but he wasn't here. Bray says that he has went to war with very powerful men, and have noticed something about them all. No matter what they had been through in their lives, they all scream. He says so will he. Bray starts laughing and then asks Jericho if he is afraid of the dark. The lights go out and come back on and Rowan and Harper are in the ring. Jericho attacks Harper, but Rowan tosses Jericho to the side. Harper goes for the big kick, but Jericho slides under it and slides out of the ring. Jericho backs up the ramp as Rowan and Harper give chase. Bray now shows up and attacks Jericho from behind. Bray grabs Jericho and hits Sister Abigail on Jericho on the stage. Bray kneels down over Jericho and tells everyone to follow the buzzards. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Eva Marie is in the ring. She will be going one on one with WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee in a non title match. AJ Lee vs. Eva Marie Both ladies lock up and AJ locks in an arm lock. Eva reverses and locks in an arm lock of her own and tosses AJ to the ground. AJ gets back up and hits a running drop kick. AJ tosses Eva into the ropes and hits a spinning heel kick. Eva bails to the floor and AJ gives chase. Eva pushes AJ back first into the apron and rolls her back in the ring. Eva covers and gets a 2 cound. Eva now locks in a surfboard stretch. AJ fights back to her feet, but Eva whips her into the corner. Eva hits a backbreaker. Eva goes for another, but AJ counters into the black widow and Eva taps out. Winner by Submission - AJ Lee After the match, AJ sits on the announcers table and grabs JBL's headset. Paige congratulates AJ on her victory. They both say that they look great, and then AJ says bye and leaves the ring side area. We go to the back where we see Triple H and Stephanie. Kane shows up and says plan A has a serious problem. Kane says he doesn't trust or like Randy Orton. Stephanie says that not liking someone is part of the job. Triple H says that the championship coming back to The Authority is what is best for business. Triple H tells Kane to get it done. Kane walks off. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Bo Dallas is in the ring and has a mic. Bo says that last week he beat El Torito. He says that he might be tiny, but his heart is huge. Bo says that he can only hope that his opponent tonight has a heart as big as Torito's. The Great Khali now makes his way to the ring. Bo Dallas vs. The Great Khali Dallas starts by landing a right hand to no effect. Khali lands a hard right hand and tosses Bo into the corner. Khali lands a couple of hard chops to Bo. Bo tries landing chops, but Khali grabs him and tosses him to the outside. Khali now gives chase. Bo goes low with a drop kick to get Khali off his feet. Bo connects with the running Bo-Dog to Khali off the apron and Khali can't make the 10 count. Winner by Count Out - Bo Dallas After the match, Bo grabs a mic and tells Khali not to get down. Khali lands a hard chop to the head of Bo. Bo gets back up and stumbles away from Khali and up the ramp. We go to the back where Seth Rollins is with The Authority. Seth says that if Orton or Kane can't get the job done, then he has an idea. He holds up the briefcase. Triple H says that there is always plan B. Paul Heyman now walks up. He tells Triple H and Stephanie that if plan B doesn't work, he has a great plan C. Heyman then walks away. Stephanie then tells Triple H that she can't believe that they are trusting him. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Renee Young introduces WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair. Flair makes his way to the ring. Flair grabs a mic and says that we are live in Richmond, Virginia. Flair says that he has had some fun in this city. Flair tells everyone to ask their mothers and fathers. Flair says that Virginia is for lovers. Flair then struts around Renee. Flair says that there is no better lover alive than the Nature Boy. Renee asks Flair who he thinks is gonna walk out as champion this Sunday. Flair hypes all superstars, but then says that his pick is John Cena. Flair is cut off by the music of Roman Reigns. Reigns makes his way to the ring through the crowd. Flair extends his hand and Reigns shakes it. Flair makes his way out of the ring and heads to the back. Before he can get to the back though, he is joined by the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, John Cena. Cena hands the World Heavyweight belt to Flair and they embrace. Cena now makes his way to the ring as we go to commercial. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring. He is joined by his partners Randy Orton and Kane for our handicap main event. John Cena and Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, and Kane Cena and Rollins start the match off. Both men lock up to start the match. Rollins locks in a headlock. Rollins hits the ropes and Cena connects with a shoulder tackle. Orton now tags into the match. Both men lock up and Orton locks in a headlock. Orton hits the ropes and eats a back elbow by Cena. Kane now tags into the match. Cena goes behind Kane and locks in a headlock. Cena hits the ropes and eats a shoulder tackle by Kane. Reigns now tags himself into the match. Kane lands a kick to the gut followed by some right hands. Reigns fights back with rights of his own, but Kane gets the advantage back. Reigns hits the ropes and lands a big headbutt to Kane. Reigns charges and Kane catches Reigns with a big uppercut. Reigns now hands Kane throat first on the top rope. Reigns comes off the top with a clothesline and then knocks Orton off the apron. Kane explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Rollins now tags in and lands some big stomps to Reigns in the corner as we go to commercial. -Commercial Break- Back on Raw, Kane is in control of Roman Reigns with a rear chin lock. Reigns fights back to his feet and he and Kane trade right hands. Reigns hits the ropes and connects with a flying lariat. Rollins and Cena both get the tag. Cena hits the ropes and connects with his shoulder tackles followed by the side slam. Cena connects with the 5 knuckle shuffle. Kane distracts Cena and Rollins connects with a pele kick to Cena. Rollins backs Cena into the corner and Orton now tags in. Orton is all over Cena with stomps and right hands. Orton covers for a 2 count. Orton locks in a rear chin lock. Cena fights back to his feet and connects with a drop kick. Cena tries to make the tag to Reigns, but Orton catches him with his back breaker for a 2 count. Kane now tags back in. Kane hits the ropes and drops a leg. Kane covers Cena and gets a 2 count. Cena fights back with right hands. He picks Kane up on his shoulders, but his legs give out and Kane covers for a 2 count. Rollins now tags back in. Rollins connects with right hands to Cena followed by a kick to the chest. Rollins covers and gets a 2 count. Cena tries to fight back, but Rollins locks in a sleeper hold. Cena tosses Rollins off of him, but Rollins connects with a kick to the gut followed by the 3 amigos suplexes. Cena blocks the third and hits a suplex of his own. Reigns and Orton both now tag in. Reigns lands a big flying lariat to Orton followed by a clothesline in the corner. Reigns goes to the outside and hits his jumping drop kick from the outside. Reigns hits the superman punch to Kane and tosses Rollins to the outside. Reigns connects with a Samoan drop to Orton. Kane attacks Reigns from behind and won't get out of the ring so the ref calls for the bell. Cena gets back in the ring and tosses Kane to the outside. Orton grabs Cena, but Cena tosses Orton onto the apron. Kane tries to hit Cena, but Cena moves and Kane decks Orton. Cena lands hard right hands to Kane. Cena tries to AA Kane, but Kane fights out. Reigns tries to spear Orton, but Orton moves and Reigns spears Cena. Orton comes out of nowhere and hits an RKO on Kane. Orton celebrates, but turns around into a spear from Roman Reigns. Reigns stands over all the fallen bodies and celebrates with the WWE Universe as we go off the air.


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