Confirmed Matches, Video Promo For Tonight's TNA "X-Travaganza 2" PPV

The TNA "One Night Only: X-Travaganza 2" event premieres on pay-per-view tonight. The following matches are scheduled for the show:

Qualifying Match: Rashad Cameron vs. Zema Ion
- Qualifying Match: Rubix vs. Kenny King
- Qualifying Match: Low Ki vs. Chris Sabin
- Qualifying Match: Trent Baretta vs. Manik
- Qualifying Match: Sonjay Dutt vs. Rockstar Spud
- Qualifying Match: Tigre Uno vs. PeteyWilliams
- $25,000 Ethan Carter III Invitational Ladder Match: The Wolves vs. Bad Influence
- 2-out-of-3 Falls X-Division Title Match: AustinAries vs. Sanada
- Winners of the qualifying matches compete in an Ultimate X match for a future X-Division titleshot.


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