Raw Results 2/24/14

The Show opened with hitting of "Hulkamania" music.WWE crowd was cheered . At first I didn't believed my eyes. Then I shouted hulkamania . He came to cheer WWE crowd. He greeted fans . Then came in the ring. Then he has done his traditional hands on ear sign. The crowd was electrifying at that moment.He talked about his return to his home wwe arena and Wrestle Mania 30.He introduced the crowd to the launch WWE Network . and sure  he said he will watch all sorts of superstars.He ended while saying "Whatcha gonna do when Hulk Hogan, the WWE Network and WrestleMania 30 run wild on you, brother?
Following is the picture of hulk hogan .
Later Cole and JBL talked about WWE Network that they will get to watch all pay per view  live for 9.99$
only/month.So as all the member of WWE were cheered by the already miracle appearance of Hulk Hogan early in Raw . So they started to talk about the next event.
The Next a Rematch between Alberto Del Rio and Batista.

Alberto  Del Rio VS BATISTA

This match was incredible .This match deserved 100 $ ticked.It paid off all the money of the WWE fans that were in attendance.WWE fans thought that the results will be the same as it were last night but Randy Orton interfered in his match.HE distracted Batista and Alberto Del Rio went for a roll up for quick win.
Post Match:Orton Apologized for distracting him.He said that he had no such intentions.He was just there to see the match between alberto and his wrestlemania opponent.Batista ends by  saying"Randy you are looking to the next champion and you have to deal with it"
Alberto Del Rio Defeated Batista by pinfall thanks to Randy

Big E VS Cesaro
Simple Positive Match .There were some back and forth actions but I was bored of this.Late in the match Big E made a come back and hit one armed slam on Cesaro . Big E was able to through away swagger who was trying to interfere in the match at ringside. Cesaro took advantage of the distraction made by swagger and capitalized and hit a cesaro swing and the wwe fans counted the spins.Swagger got in the ring to put patriot lock(ankle lock) to draw disqualification.Post match.Big E went after swagger but cesaro grabbed him and hit a neutralizer.
Big E defeated Cesaro By Disqualification

After a commercial John Cena Came out in the ring. He called out Wayat Family for their interference in his matches. He said that because of them  he lost he wrestlemania dream.Wyat came out with harper and eric coming to sides and bray on a chair after Bray .Bray cut a promo talking about Cena being full of empty promises. He said Cena stands for illusions while Bray Wyatt stands for everything . Wyatt introduced himself to Cena as the "reapers that bring death to this era ." Cena promised that if any of them stepped into the ring they would be starting something.HE  Blew his lantern it was all dark. When light came luke and eric were beating Cena and he tried to fight but he was overwhelmed. and out powered .Eventually bray trow cena causing him to hit the mat..Then he a punch on his head.It was looking like cena has hurt his leg .Doctors were checking him.He was taken out of the ring in a stature.

The Next match was Shemus VS Christian
Shemus VS Christian
The match was good I liked it alot. It was pure simple and enjoy able. The actions scene were tremendous specially when shemus hit christian on chest 10 times when christian was hanging on rope.but christian managed to escape the rope.Christian was busted open from mouth.At the end shemus connected a brouge kick to get the victory.
Shemus Defeated christian Via Pinfall 

Late in the night There was a tremendous Daniel Bryan VS Kane
This match was awesome. I am not sure if wwe fans wanted this but i am sure about one thing that daniel bryan wanted this.HE wanted to take his revenge over of a period of time.Kane hit a chokeslam but miracle happened bryan kicked out of it at 2.Kane was looking for another chokeslam but bryan avoided it and went for the arm lock .Kane blocked it by pushing daniel . Moments later daniel hit a running high knee to get the victory Post match :Bryan called HHH a coward who hides behind his wife skirt . HE challanged hhh to a match at wrestlemania 30. Lawler said  "wwe fans tweet #yes to make this match sure".

Daniel Bryan Defeated Kane Via Pinfall
Emma Defeated Summer Rae By Submission
why do wwe bring boring matches like this one this was the most boring match that i have ever seen although all of us like diva action so ok.Emma capitalized summer rae menover and hit something like Emma lock. IT was more than 3 minutes then santino and fandango came in ringside after half a minute summer rae tapped out.

The Usos defeated New Age Outlaws via pinfall 

Bray Wyatt defeated Roman reigns

Paul Heyman and Brock LEsnar Challenged undertaker for wrestlemania Taker Accepted

Just this was the action see you later
ME Basil,


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