Latest results of elimination chamber are below:
The first match was Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Rybaxel

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Rybaxel
The match was OK.A simple match.This match was 1 sided from start but at the end miracle happened . Cody Rhodes survived an attack of Ryback outside ring by dis tar kick from steel step.At the end Axel tried his finisher on cody but he reversed it into cross rhodes to get the victory for his team.Likewise I enjoyed this match and I also appreciate these guys for entertaining us .Although this match was superb.Cause in the end Team  Gold Rhodes win.YES YES YES YES.(I am  not chanting for Daniel Bryan)

Cody Rhodes got Victory for his team by pinning Axel followed by cross rhodes :D

 so the next match up was Big E Langston VS Jack Swagger
Big E Langston VS Jack Swagger:
THanks big e to give us this exciting match .From the fist moment this match was upside down .Everything can happen here .This match was a match that cant be predicted all my predictions were wrong(but i know that big e was going to win)so this match was near ending when jack swagger locked in ankle lock and big e was really  really  going to tap his hands were above and his mind told him many times to tap but his will didnt let it happened.He Used enziguiri kick to reverse it .Then he used big ending to end the big match hahahaha .SO this match was a full piece of awesomeness.It surelu was so we will move to the next one
Big E Defeated Jack Swagger via Pinfall after hitting Big Ending
The next match was The New age Outlaws Vs The USos (u so u so )
The New age Outlawas vs The Usos:
So this match was as incredible as the incredible man .That was a joke alright.This match went OK at some moments I thought that was it for the new age outlaws at some other moment i thought that dont you worry USOS you will win but the results were not in my favour cause Usos were lost man i never ever thought that this could happen .I was really sorry for Usos .They tried their best but New Age Outlaws are Attitude Era trained professional tag team champion.Billy Gunn hit a clothesline on jey uso moments later jimmy avoided guuns fameeaser.Hit him superkick for near fall.The match continued with jey and road dogg brawling outside.After some Boring actions . Billy GUn went for a quick roll up pin for victory for his team.Usos were stunned by their sudden loss.
The New Age Outlaws defeated The Usos
Darren young VS Titus O Neil
SImple match .It was OK.Performed quite nicely.There were also some great moments.Actually these guys are of low caliber but when they perform there caliber rise with height the become from zero to hero so these guys are hero for me .Titus hit kidney punch followed by clash to get the vicrory
Titus O Neil Defeated Darren Young
The next was Wyats Vs Shield
 THe Wyatt Family vs The Shield:
One of the awesome match of this night.The match for what WWE universe was waiting for.I cant explain the feeling of this match but I really wanted Shield to win But Wyats cheaters cheated to get the victory.Although this match was awesome cant be told i suggest you just watch it cause matches like that come in years it was more impressing than john cena vs randy orton at royal rumble.Yes this match is the match of the year why dont you just watch it following is the link by which you can watch this match this is totally free .With dailymotion links yes you could also have watched its live streaming from this link http://www.bollyrulez.net/ But i will explain about this match.Late in the matchup, Ambrose was missing in action after falling over the crowd barrier and fighting Bray Wyatt into the crowd. Bray later returned to the fight outside the ring to work on Rollins, but Ambrose was still missing from the fight. Later, Rowan and Harper double chokeslammed Rollins through the Spanish announcers table. The finish saw Roman Reigns in the ring battling all three of the Wyatts. Bray went for Sister Abigail, with Reigns able to avoid it and hit a h. He hit a huge Samoan Drop and then Harper tried to intervene with Reigns throwing him to the outside. Reigns hit a Superman Punch on Rowan,and Bray. Reigns was standing proudly in the ring when Harper ran back in, but Reigns hit a spear.  Bray was waiting nearby and hit him, then hit Sister Abigail for the win.
The Wyatts defeated the shield
the next match was AJ vs Cameron
Cameron defeated AJ Lee by disqualification made by tamina by kicking Cameron

Batista VS Alberto Del Rio
Batista defeated Alberto Del Rio via pinfall. When Del Rio first came to the ring he was in street clothes wearing a neck brace and using a crutch to walk. He said he's unable to compete tonight due to Batista putting him through a table on RAW. Batista talks to the ref about it, but Del Rio takes off his warmup suit and is in wrestling gear. He starts to smash the crutch on Batista. Batista eventually stands up in the corner, as the ref calls for the bell. Later in the match, after plenty of back and forth action, Del Rio landed a kick to Batista's head, then pointed to the WrestleMania XXX sign hanging up. Batista countered a move from Del Rio then shoved him into a turnbuckle that was uncovered earlier. Batista followed with a Batista Bomb for the win.
Batista Defeated Del Rio Via Pinfall

Elimination Chamber:
Oh finally this match is hereeeeee.Yeah waiting for this match for 40 days yes finally it is here but results are shocking.It is a must watch match you mus must must watch this no matter if you have to pay for it.andy Orton won the Elimination Chamber match to retain the WWE Unified championship. The first elimination happened deep in the match after all the competitors had been released. Sheamus went for a huge slam with Christian out on the steel, but Christian slid out and climbed on top of a pod instead. Orton fought with Sheamus a bit before Superplexing him down to the mat. Christian hit a splash on Sheamus from off the top of a pod, then scored the pinfall to eliminate Sheamus. Moments later, Daniel Bryan ran over to hit a flying knee on Christian, scoring a pinfall to eliminate him. Both Sheamus and Christian were helped out of the chamber. Cesaro was the next to go. Later in the match, he had a near fall on John Cena, then a big boot to Orton's face. Cena dropped Cesaro for an STF, but Cesaro countered it. He hit a gutwrench move, but Cena countered with a hurricanrana. Cena hit the AA on him onto the steel, then Cena pulled him into the ring and slapped on the STF to make Cesaro tap out. After that, Cena went for an STF on Randy Orton, but the lights went out and signaled the Wyatt Family sound effects. As the lights came back on, all of The Wyatts were inside the chamber. Orton hit Cena from behind. Luke Harper then ran over Daniel Bryan, with Harper and Rowan then beating down Cena. Bray turned upside down in the corner of the ring, then hit Sister Abigail on John Cena. The Wyatt Family left the Chamber and Orton slid over to make the pinfall on Cena, eliminating him. It's down to Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton. The Wyatt Family looked on from outside the chamber, as Kane came out and told them to leave. He got into the Chamber to check on John Cena as trainers helped him out. Bryan hit a leaping move, taking Kane down with a flying knee. Orton quickly took advantage, throwing Bryan into a pod, then taking him onto the corner. Bryan countered and turned Orton upside down in the corner, then nailed him with kicks and running dropkicks. Later still, Bryan hit a flying knee on Orton and had a winning pinfall, but Kane pulled the referee off the count. Bryan hit Kane with another kick, but Orton hit Bryan with an RKO. Bryan barely kicked out at 2. Bryan was able to get a near fall moments later on a roll up pin. The match ended as Kane hit a huge right hand punch to clock Bryan, allowing Orton to get the RKO for the win. Post match, Orton grabbed his titles and posed on the ramp. Cole mentioned that Bryan was screwed once again.


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